The Divorce Mediator and Attorney Team
Video Series Part 3 Divorce: Mediator and Attorney Team from Cimira Studios on Vimeo. A common misconception in divorce mediation is that if you’re using a mediator, you don’t need an attorney; for...
View ArticleDivorce Mediation Can Help During Tax Season
Along with the many other difficulties involved in a divorce, tax season can be an especially tricky time. Although taxes are probably the last thing on your mind when divorcing, the issues involved...
View ArticlePost Divorce Mediation
Divorce is not an end-all situation. Life brings many changes, situations often arise involving your former spouse that will need to be addressed long after the papers have been signed. With all the...
View ArticleHow To Successfully Parent After A Divorce
Divorce is difficult and a divorce becomes even more difficult when children are involved. While separation can be the best option for the individual, it creates conditions within the family that...
View ArticleDogs and Divorce
A divorce affects more than the two people. Everyone knows that divorce impacts families, friends, children, business relationships, neighbors and others. However it’s not always humans who are...
View ArticleFour Styles of Mediation
There is no set formula when it comes to divorce mediation. Each couple’s circumstances, goals, and issues are different, making the process unique to every situation. I have been mediating for over 25...
View ArticleDivorce Mediation Dos and Don’ts
Divorce mediation can only work when both parties are actively participating throughout the entire process. If one side is passive while the other is aggressive, a solution will most likely not be...
View ArticleListening: The Key to Divorce Mediation
Divorce mediation works for separating couples because it accounts for each perspective, is more cost-effective than litigation, and creates a mutually agreeable outcome. But beyond that, why does it...
View ArticleWhat A Divorce Mediator Is, and Is Not
Divorce is an overwhelming time for a family. Mediation can help stressed couples piece through the most important issues that arise from legal separation, facilitating important discussions and...
View ArticleMediation Balances Power in Divorce Proceedings
Many relationships have at least a slight imbalance of power between the two people involved; it’s just the nature of humans interacting together. Struggling relationships and those headed toward...
View ArticleNavigating the Holidays with Your Ex and the Kids
The most wonderful time of the year can also be the most stressful and isolating. Expectations of good cheer are high during the holiday season, which can bring extra tension to couples that have just...
View Article5 Ways to Prepare for Divorce Mediation in the New Year
The holidays are hectic, happy, stressful and busy all at once— especially for families going through or approaching a divorce. According to, U.S. divorce rates are highest from January to...
View ArticleThe Role of Social Media in Divorce Mediation
In today’s digital world, much of our lives are spent online. Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have become an extension of ourselves, a virtual reality that we depend on for...
View ArticleDivorce Mediation or Collaborative Law Divorce
Divorce is costly, whether a couple has a lot of money to work with or not. Court and attorney fees can add up quickly as legal proceedings drag on. Mediation is a cost-effective alternative to...
View Article5 Ways To Stay Positive During A Divorce
Breakups are difficult, but divorce is a whole new ball game. Ending a legal marriage is more than breaking up with someone, it’s ending a life that was build around that relationship. Finances,...
View ArticleIs a Divorce Mediator or Divorce Lawyer Right For You?
In nearly every case, divorce is a complicated process that almost always requires professional help for the separating couple. However, going to court for litigation or for a settlement conference...
View ArticleHow to Have an Effective Divorce Mediation
Successful divorce mediation requires clear communication and compromise from both parties. The bridge between these two is negotiation, which can be complex. Effective negotiation requires planning,...
View ArticleSix Deadly Obstacles to Effective Mediation Negotiations
Of the seven deadly sins (pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath/anger, and sloth/laziness), six are incredibly harmful to the negotiation process in divorce mediation. Many of these, such as pride,...
View ArticleTips for Effective Listening Skills
Listening is the key to successful divorce mediation. However, some individuals have difficulty with this important skill and struggle to listen well, especially when emotions are high and conversation...
View ArticleDivorce Mediation Guidance: Top Pointers for Negotiation
Negotiation is a key part of divorce mediation, as each party attempts to come to an agreement about division of assets and debt, co-parenting if applicable, and settling all of the complicated details...
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